What's on Get an overview of the cultural events of the City of Copenhagen and find an offer that suits you. Text Search Dates Min Max Place HusetHUSETHuset-KBHKraftWerketNikolaj KunsthalUnion Categories Debate and lecturesFestivalFilmPerformanceCommunitiesClimate and sustainabilityArtsFoodMusicBoard games and gamingExhibition Group ChildrenYouthAdultsSeniors District Amager VestAmager ØstBispebjerg /NordvestBrønshøj-HusumAll districtsCity centreNørrebroValbyVanløseVesterbro / Kgs. EnghaveØsterbro Show only free events Search HUSET, Musikcaféen kendall lujan (US) + SUPPORT: Stella Darla KraftWerket Yet Another Magic Monday 39 other dates Union Community Kitchen at Union 12 other dates HUSET, Musikcaféen Lost2Reality: Karsten Pflum (Live) // Kristian & Troels Nikolaj Kunsthal Opening Party * Platform * Gustav Hooge Poulsen x Frederik Rørmann Saxton Huset, Musikcaféen Uniradioen presents Tender Youth & Ana Juél Huset, Stardust English Comedy // Off The Cuff: An Improv Comedy Show Huset, Musikcaféen KLANG FESTIVAL 2025: PROGRAM RELEASE & CONCERT FEAT. CHAMBER COLLECTIVE CPH Union #YouCanAlsoBeASoundEngineer 3 other dates Huset, Xenon THE TALK: Behind the Scenes with Jonas Hollerup Helle Huset, Musikcaféen Bubbling Well release concert | Musikcaféen Huset Oskar Krusell | Musikcaféen Nikolaj Kunsthal Wine with a View * Pompette x Nikolaj Kunsthal 5 other dates Union Food for Thought with Phillippa Maigaard Filtenborg Huset-KBH, Xenon Movement Shaped Like A Heart - labelfest | Xenon Cancelled HUSET, Musikcaféen Merry | Musikcaféen Huset-KBH, Xenon Jeffrey Lewis & the Voltage (US) | Xenon Union Swap Circle Huset, Musikcaféen FELT: Beau Wanzer (US) + Family Underground | Musikcaféen Union Food for Thought with Rasmus Grue Christensen Few tickets left Huset, Musikcaféen Lael Neale (US) | Musikcaféen Huset, Xenon This is what it sounds like when I think | XENON RESIDENCY Union ALICE presents: Asa-Chang & Junray (JP) Huset, Musikcaféen Macie Stewart (US) Huset, 3. sal Albertine Sarges (DE) | Musikcaféen